Initial Profile Creation for

Trams Scripts for Apollo® Users


After installing the software, there are a couple of steps that must be taken to enable you to run the Trams Scripts for Apollo® Users scripts.  There are 3 profiles that need to be created, named TRAMSDEFS, TRAMSVENDORS, AND TRAVELTYPES.  The good news is that the scripts have some built in help for you.

The TRAMSDEFS profile is a “default” or “options” profile that the scripts read the first time your run them everyday. These defaults help keep the scripts both uniform and easier for agents to run by eliminating the number of key strokes required.

The first profile we need to create is the TRAMSDEFS profile.  To do this, be sure you are signed in to Focalpoint®  and do not have a pnr in the active area on your computer. Type Alt-R to start the Scriptwriter Plus™ Run program. At the top of the screen click on File and then Run. You will see a list of “key” files. Click on setup.key and then OK, or enter.  This will start the Agency Setup script in which we will enter items. There are currently 11 items in the setup profile that we need to fill in.

The items have codes which you can see to the right of the fields in the setup script.  The codes and values which we enter are read by the scripts the first time Scriptwriter Plus™ is run from each workstation.  Below is a list of the items and a brief description.  








Country Code




Service Fee Vendor Code




Service Fee Travel Type


9 – 16


Service Fee CC Type




Service Fee Amount




Supplier Credit Card


Y ,N,OR 2


Default City code








Pseudo City Code








Paid Line on Non CC



  1. Country Code.  There are certain items that pertain only to Canadian agencies that appear when needed. The country code is US or CA as applicable.
  2. Service Fee Vendor Code. This is the Interface ID from Trams of your service fee vendor.
  3. Service fee travel type. This is the number of the travel type in Trams that you have set up for service fees.
  4. Service Fee CC type. These scripts support the Automated MCO, a Credit Card merchant, or TAFP handling of credit card fee transactions.
  5. Service Fee amount. This is the default amount displayed when the script is run. It can be changed easily, but this should be the most predominate amount used by your agents.
  6. Supplier Credit Card. Normally set to N which means that you track your credit card
    vendor transactions as Commission Tracking in Trams. This option treats all Deposits
    as Supplier and the Final or Full transactions as either Supplier for Cash/Check
    payments and Comm Track for credit card payments. You can also put a D in the Supcc
    field which will make the all transactions as Comm Track for credit card and all
    transactions as Supplier for Cash/Check transactions. If you prefer to claim the income
    when one of these is sold rather than when the commission is received, change this to
    Y. If you are in a TAMS 20 group, you will want to set put 2 here to create 2 booking
    invoices for these types of transactions. A 2 in this field creates a Supplier booking for
    the sale with no commission, and a Comm Track booking with no sale but with the
    commission. If you put an A in the Supcc field, all transactions will come across as
    Comm Track. Please discuss these options with Bill Shelley if you are not sure.

  7. Default City Code. Where passengers normally fly from.
  8. Multibranch. This will be NO or the Pseaudo City Code of your home office. This allows maintaining only 1 profile for Vendors and Travel types rather than one in each office.
  9. Pseudo City code. The PCC for this office.
  10. Vendor Code Length.  No longer required.
  11.  Paid Line on Non CC.  If you like for your invoice to show paid with a balance due on cash or check transactions, change this to Y. Otherwise your invoices will show a balance due of the amount of the invoice on cash/check and a zero due on credit card invoices.

Here is an example of the Agency Setup Screen filled in, and the profile that is created.



The next 2 profiles can be created from within the script.  Type Alt-R and Enter or click the Icon to run the Trams Scripts for Apollo® Users.  When you see the main menu, click Utilities, or Type Alt-L to select it and then Press Enter.


You will then see a screen that is titled Utilities and has a radio button for Create TRAMS Profiles. Press Enter.


Next will be a screen that is titled Create Initial Profiles. Select Travel Types and press enter.


You will now see a screen that contains the TRAMS default travel types.  Tab through all of the fields and change these travel types to match the ones you have set up in TRAMS. When they are correct, press enter.
This will create a profile named TRAVELTYPES in Focalpoint®.

When the agents run a script that needs the travel type, it will be displayed in screen 2 so they can select the number from this profile.


After you have finished creating the TRAVELTYPES profile, you should create the TRAMSVENDORS profile. Start the Trams Scripts for Apollo® Users  again by type Alt-R and press enter. Go to Utilities, then Create TRAMS Profiles, and Select Vendors


Next select Create Initial Vendor Profile and Press Enter.  


You will see a screen like this. Enter 3 for the first line to add since 2 is the last line displayed on screen 2. 


You can now enter your vendors by entering the vendor code, tab, and  then the vendor name. The scripts will maintain the spacing.



When finished press Alt-T to terminate.  You can always come back to here and add vendors to existing profile, or manually update the profile named TRAMSVENDORS.



You are now ready to use the scripts!